President |
- SCUBA-Diver since: 1983
- Teaching Rec-Diving: 1986
- Trimixdiver since: 1996
- Diving Trainingdirector on the Institute for University-Sport in Darmstadt 1992-1997
- Participating on Calculation, Construktion and Tests of Rebreathers
- Development and Construction of an own O2-Rebreather (A1) 1999
- Development of Mixedgasdekompression- and Gasmixingsoftware sice: 1992
Jürgen Poniatowski (middle) |
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Vicepresident |
- Active Cavediver
- mutible Instruction Licences from VDST(CMAS), DLRG (German Live Rescue Organisation), RAB, PAN
Rudi Lehnert | |
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Training Director |
- Activer Cavediver since: 1980
- Rebreather-Diver since: 1981
- active Icediver since: 1983
- Author of a Trimix Decompression Program: 1983
- mutible Instruction Licences VDST(CMAS), DSB,
DRK-WW (Red Cross Water-Rescue), RAB, PAN
- Numer of Dives: has 4-digits
Karl Kramer |