- <Speciality> Divemaster
Based on CMAS***(or equivalent) as well as at minimum 50dive-hours experience in the according speciality-area, trained instructor assistant. He has proven that he can, in this special-area, assist the education, at land, as secondary teacher in the classroom, and as Group-Leader.
After 50dive-hours assistant-work in this special-area he is qualified to apply for the test to become an Instructor for this matter. A valid Instructor/TL-1/Moniteur-1 Licence is mandatory too when applying for a <Speciality> Instructor licence.
- <Speciality> Instructor
The Rebreather-Instructor is a teacher for "Nitrox", "Technical Nitrox", "Nitrox Divemaster", "Rebreather", "Advanced Rebreather" and "Rebreather Divemaster", he is only active on rebreathers he has a valid approval for. He gets his approval as part of the instructor course and additional ones by "retraining" classes that are conducted by Rebreather-Instuctor-Trainers. The Rebreather-Instructor is also teaching gas blending.
The training to become an instructor is done from <Speciality> Diver to Technical<>Diver (if present in the matter) and the <>Divemaster. A valid Instructor/TL-1/Moniteur-1 Licence is mandatory too when applying for a <Speciality> Instructor licence.
- <Speciality> Instructor-Trainer (= <Speciality> Master-Instructor = <Speciality> Course-Director)
A person that is, based on the <Speciality>Instructor plus several years of teaching experience plus a diving experience of at minimum 800 dives in various types of waters plus Assistance at in at minimum one <Speciality>Instructor-Course, certified to be a Teacher/Examiner for <Speciality>Instructors.
- Master-Trainer
Instructor-Trainers who were appointed to be Master-Trainers, because of their outstanding experience in theory and praxis. They perform leading and developing functions as well as the Teaching and Examination of Instructor-Trainers.
Crossover from other recognized Diving organisations are possible.
Instead of CMAS-Brevets all their accepted equivalents are possible entry points too.